What is this about?

This blog is focused on providing information on Pay As You Drive car insurance in Australia. If you find any information, papers, news articles or websites that we should add, please let us know!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Latest Real Pay As You Drive TV Ads

We launched a new set of ads last week for Pay As You Drive. The first one features a lighthouse keeper that drives from his house to the lighthouse every day. Not a big distance as you will see in the ad...

It is all farcical of course. As is the next ad, where a women "commutes" out of her driveway to the busstop a whole 20m down the road.

We have a new jingle in the ads, which we will be using going forward, as well as a set of end screens showing our actual team on the phones.



Any comments or feedback, as always, is most welcome!

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